Category Archives: movies

The Big Short

Recently, I watched the movie The Big Short, which definitely merits a recommendation. The film does a great job of explaining some of the causes of the 2007-2008 financial crisis, and somehow it manages to be really fun to watch despite the horrifying reality of the corruption depicted in the film.

There is lots to talk about regarding both the artistic choices of the filmmakers and also the subject of the film, so I encourage you to go see it with your friends (and make sure to leave time for discussion afterward). I can’t help but think, as a friend of mine suggested, that hosting viewing parties of this film would be a great way to mobilize people in support of relevant legal reforms, which are sorely needed.

Grandma (the movie)

Talk about a movie that passes the Bechdel-Wallace test!

I’ve always loved the hilarious Lily Tomlin, and she does not disappoint in her latest movie,  Grandma; I recommend it for its combination of zingy one-liners and social commentary.

I’m lucky enough to have an amazingly smart, kind, and independent grandmother myself, and I wish there were more movies out there exploring the complex inter-generational relationships that can exist between folks who stick by their own commitments while loving and supporting people with rather different lives.

Documentary: “After Tiller”

This past weekend, I went to Vermont to watch the powerful documentary, After Tiller, which is about third trimester abortions and the American doctors who provide them in the wake of Dr. George Tiller’s murder.

It was great to see this film with one of my colleagues (who also teaches gender studies classes) and to stay for the panel discussion afterwards. For one thing, I learned about a great organization called the Concord Feminist Health Center. The next step for me is to figure out how I can get involved with the good work that they do.

Thanks to White River Indie Films for hosting this event!